Our provision is designed around the physical, sensory, learning and social needs of the children. Our curriculum provides meaningful experiences which values a community approach from Reception to Year 6. The staff have a wide range of understanding and training in special education and we work closely with external and county professionals. We work with parents and families sensitively and in tandem with the school’s Pastoral Team. Our in-depth strategies are consistent across the ARB with an emphasis on communication, autism and behaviour. We also have a Trauma Informed Schools (TIS) practitioner.
Our purpose-built setting, completed in 2018 is on one level. It contains three classrooms, a cookery room, personalised playground, two sensory rooms, wet room and an accessible toilet with ceiling hoist and electric bed. We also benefit from being able to access the facilities of the wider school and provide opportunities for inclusion. We celebrate the success of all children in their growth and development of life skills, to be able to become as independent as they can be now, and in their future lives.
All admissions to the ARB are managed by the Cornwall Council SEN Team. Our ARB provision is currently full for 2023/2024. For more information or enquires about admissions, do contact the SEN team at Cornwall Council.
For information about what our ARB provision provides, feel free to contact us here at school.